Feed barley is still trading at competitive values this week. As long as product is heavy and dry, we are seeing $3.90-$4.50/bu picked up on farm, with the stronger values being seen in south west Saskatchewan. If you happen to have spring threshed sitting around, we do also have buyers and just need to know the specs such as weight, moisture and excreta percentage to get you a firm bid. On the malt side, we have a buyer looking for some old crop Copeland at $4.60/bu delivered to south central Saskatchewan; picked up pricing is also available. Malt shipments this year continue to be delayed due to Covid, which is slowing down usage and therefore movement. New crop malt barley has been a little quiet as of late, with no real bids to speak of, but if you have targets in mind, we can always throw them out and see what kind of response we get back.